A Project for Safety and Community
We’ve already received a lot of great feedback from neighbors. Here are some changes we’ve already made.
- Excluded the park at 10th and Bosart from this round of CPI projects.
- Added daylighting to 11th and 12th street intersections on the Dequincy neighborway, and will improve the safety of the crossings at 10th and 16th on Dequincy.
- Will improve the crossing at 13th and Emerson.
- Added a speed cushion to the project scope on the 1300 block of Wallace.
- Making every intersection in Little Flower a four-way stop, with the exception of the 13th St neighborway which will give right of way to East-West traffic to make walking and cycling easier.
- Adjusted a location of a point closure in front of the Little Flower Parish to facilitate better flow of EMS.
- Added bi-directional bike lanes to the parks in order to facilitate EMS movement North/South on Bosart, while keeping vehicular traffic away.
- We will work with our Fire Deparment to ensure they are aware of all changes, have a plan to navigate the new design, and practice moving through the neighborhood so we can gather feedback from them and adjust project elements as necessary.
- We will work with Chase Bank to see if their parking lot could be used after hours for J Clyde’s and the other businesses in the area.
Project Overview
Little Flower Community Powered Infrastructure.pdf
View the Collaboration Session Recording:
The next opportunity to learn more in-person and provide feedback is at the next Little Flower Neighborhood Meeting on March 18 at 7pm at the Little Flower Catholic Church. Please see EVENTS } LFNA and follow us on Facebook for meeting details and updates: LFNA Facebook
For more information about daylighting please see:
Visibility/Sight Distance – NACTO
Hoboken, NJ, hasn’t had traffic death in 7 years thanks to ‘daylighting’ | FOX 5 New York
For more information about point closures, please see:
Low traffic neighbourhoods: Making fairer, safer, cities – resilience
For more information about converting streets to parks, please see:
A Street You Go To, Not Just Through: Principles for Fostering Streets as Places
Zoom in to view the first draft design plans.
Orange Markers: Speed Cushions
Green Lines: Future Projects we hope to see by the city (not part of our project).
Light Green Shading (Bosart): Conversion of streets to parks.
Red Markers: Proposed point closures. May be more of less depending on feedback and what we see after experimentation.
Stars: Priority Daylighted Intersections
Question Mark: Example of Daylighting.
We will seek funding from a variety of sources, including grants, donations, and fundraising events.
The project’s timeline is dependent on the city. Implementation can be expected in either mid-2025 or 2026.
Long Term Solution
We would like to see Univeral Daylighting: every time that DPW upgrades or repaves an intersection city-wide, and specifically in Little Flower, daylighting is included as the standard.
We would also like to see investment by the city into our neighborways. 13th Street is an established neighborway as part of the IndyMoves Pedal Indy 2018 plan and is slated for upgrades at an undetermined time. We want to see 13th Street Neighborway upgrades that safely connect Little Flower with the Brookside Park neighborhood to the West, extend into Community Heights to the East, and further reach the communities near Shadeland Ave in the long term by acquiring slivers of parcels to create trails.
We are envisioning a safer and more connected East Side for non-automobile modes of transportation.
How You Can Help
Write to Your City Councilor
The easiest way you can show support is by reaching out to Councilman Jesse Brown at [email protected] and include a link to this webpage.
Reach out to Jakob Morales at [email protected] if you would like to help! We will post information about volunteer events here on Facebook.
Complete the Survey
Little Flower CPI Feedback
Feedback form for Little Flower Community Powered Infrastructure projects.