community, indianapolis, meetings, near eastside, neighborhood, NESCO, news, volunteer, Weekly News

Neighborhood Summit – poster

Just a reminder to make sure you RSVP for the neighborhood summit on September 5th.

Email or call Megan Fetter at [email protected] or 808-2336.

Babysitting will be provided so please let us know if you’re bringing your children.

You also have until August 19th to submit items for the agenda.  We’ve already got some great things on the list to talk about and add to the Quality of Life Plan.  More on the agenda will go out after the 19th.

There will also be snacks!


Brookside Community Church –

After School Program/Programa Despues de la Escuela

brookside monday after school brookside monday after school ESHighway Closure – I65 & I70

From Paul Ross, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison:

Some of you may already be aware of INDOT’s plan to shut down a major section of the I-65 & I-70 exchange. Because of the constant threat of being struck trucks: who have their loads exceed the posted 13’ 11” clearance, there will be no access  to I-65, or I-70 at this exchange, in any direction. There will be a construction project whose plan is to lower the grade of this interchange to allow for additional clearance at seven overpasses near the South Split.  The closure (originally planned for 90 days) is scheduled to take place on September 3rd. Because of the incentives in place and advanced construction technologies the project will take 59 days. Contractors have started placing advanced notice and detour signs that will be uncovered beginning Monday, Sept. 2. Overhead and portable dynamic message signs will also be used to give advanced warning of the closure to motorists. Motorists, residents, and businesses are encouraged to visit to learn of the project details and sign uo for project updates. (See News Release below).

Arsenal 5K Run Walk

“Celebrate Health and History”

The Arsenal 5k Run / Walk is in its 14th year.  It takes place entirely on the beautiful and historic Arsenal Tech High School campus.  Over the last 13 years the 5k committee has awarded $30,000 in college scholarships to local high school students.  In 2012, 400 students, teachers, and community members took part in this race. Start or Join a race team from your neighborhood, church, business or organization.  This is a Rain/Shine Event.  If you would like to sign up for the event, please see:

EventBrite website:

Facebook:  Arsenal K

Near Eastside Neighborhood

We are Farm Stand Summer Yoga Series

Thank you again to those of you participated in the IWFM+Yoga series this winter. It was a great success! We raised over $1000 for the Growing Places Indy Eat Well Initiative, which matches the purchasing power of our customers using food stamps at the IWFM and our summer farm stand.

In keeping with the model we developed this winter, we are going to partner the summer classes with our summer farm stand. Here are the details:

When: Thursdays, 4-4:50 pm

Where: Chase Near Eastside Legacy Center (Option for indoor in the group fitness room, or outdoor on the plush back lawn. There is ample free parking, as well as multiple bike racks.

Why: Donation-based classes will again support the Growing Places Indy Eat Well Initiative, providing matching dollars for our customers using EBT.

Neighborhood Meetings

8/15 –

Emerson Heights   6:45 – 8  Wallace Street Evangelical Church

Grace Tuxedo  6:30 – 8   Tuxedo Baptist Church

8/20 –

Spades Park   6 – 7:30   Spades Park Library

8/21 –

Windsor Park   6 – 7:30  Spades Park Library

Fletcher Lippencott  6:30 – 8  Brookside Community Center

8/22 –

Otterbein  7 – 8  Otterbein United Methodist Church

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