community, indianapolis, meetings, near eastside, neighborhood, NESCO, news, volunteer, Weekly News

Hello Neighbors and Friends!

Thanks for tuning in again!  Remember to check out the other weeks of this blog since the same events don’t get posted from week to week.  If you have anything you’d like to share with our community, please send it over to me at [email protected] or give me a call anytime 808-2336.



Megan A. Fetter
Near Eastside Community Builder
John H. Boner Community Center
2236 E. 10th Street, Indpls, In 46201
Phone: 317.808.2336
Cell:  317.353.4144
Fax: 317.633.3006

Jobs for Life – LYN House

Jobs for Life LYN House

East Tenth United Methodist Children and Youth Center Cornhole

East 10th UMC Cornhole October Flyer 2013

NESCO’s Happy Haunted Halloween

NESCO is looking for participants to bring their vehicles and hand out candy for this event.  If you or your organization is interested in taking part, please contact NESCO President, Kelly Wensing at [email protected]

HHH 2013

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Please click the link below for valuable information on the Affordable Care Act put together by the Immigrant Welcome Center.

ACA_Communication_Directory rev 10 2 13

Immigrant Welcome Center PP Presentation 09 18 13

Also please see below for what is called “The Simplest Explanation of Obamacare. Ever”

East Tenth United Methodist Children and Youth Center Annual Dinner

SAVE THE DATE-8th Annual Dinner & Silent Auction-Thursday, November 21, 2013.  More information coming soon!!!

Black College Tour 2014 Presented by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. – Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter and the Black College Tour Committee is pleased to announce its Annual Black College Tour which will take place Sunday, March 30, 2014 through Friday, April 4, 2014.  This tour is designed for male and female students in grades 9 – 12 who are college-bound.

The tour will visit the following universities**:  Tennessee State University,  Fisk University, Alabama A & M, Alabama State, Tuskegee University, Xavier University, Dillard University, Southern University, Jackson State University. **Tours will be based on each university’s availability and are subject to change without prior notification.

This opportunity is unique in that most students are afforded the chance to visit one or two colleges for campus visits, but through the Black College Tour they get firsthand experience on the campus.  This tour allows them to experience what an HBCU has to offer, and whether or not this is the route they want to travel for their college career.  They have the opportunity to talk to administrators, admissions officers, students & faculty.  They can ask questions, look at dorms, investigate extracurricular activities, and make comparisons to colleges in states they may be interested in.

Attached you will find the application packet, which includes an information sheet, parent letter, application form and academic teacher recommendation form. Feel free to copy the application in its entirety and note the Friday, November 1, 2013 deadline.

BCT Application 2013-2014 FINAL 10012013


Neighborhood Meetings


Re-Entry Taskforce    5:30pm    John H. Boner Community Center


NoBO     6pm     Spades Park Branch Library

St. Clair Place      6pm     East 10th Street United Methodist Church


Windsor Park      6pm     Spades Park Branch Library

Fletcher-Lippencott     6:30pm      Brookside Community Center


Emerson Heights      6:45pm      Wallace St. Evangelical Church

Grace Tuxedo     6:30pm     Tuxedo Baptist Church


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