Cleanup, Neighborhood News

Grace Tuxedo Park Neighborhood Cleanup
What & Were:

On Saturday, April 14th, we will be gathering along with KIB and other volunteers to do a massive litter cleanup of our entire neighborhood.

Event Date:
Apr 14 at All Day Save to Calendar
Grace Tuxedo Baptist Church,
29 N Grant Ave,

Hello Grace Tuxedo Park neighbors and friends,

Don’t forget that KIB has chosen the Grace Tuxedo Park neighborhood as one of its focus neighborhoods for 2024!
On Saturday, April 14th, we will be gathering along with KIB and other volunteers to do a massive litter cleanup of our entire neighborhood. If we get enough volunteers, we should be able to pick up litter on every single street and alley of the Grace Tuxedo Park neighborhood!
Please register on KIB’s website: Find the Grace Tuxedo Park Focus Neighborhood project on Saturday, April 13th to register and for more information. KIB will provide the supplies; we just need to supply the volunteers!
Please register and share this with your friends and neighbors. Together, we can make an impact on the litter in our neighborhood.

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